Direct School Admissions

DSA fever is here again!
There are more than 90 schools that are welcoming students to apply to their schools through direct school admissions in 2013. Could there be more than 100 schools this year?

Among the 90 over schools, some are offering the IP track (GCE A/IB/Diploma) and some are offering the traditional GCE O Level path and of course some schools are offering the dual tracks. 

Most parents/students who are interested in DSA will be aiming at the few Independent schools/Autonomous schools.
With the introduction of a few more schools that offer 6 years  Integrated Programme in the past two years, surely it has opened up a lot more options for parents/students, it also means that there are not of more homework to be done on choosing the 'right' school/s to apply.

In the past few years we had put up a few write ups on DSA.
We shared on the no of schools that a student should apply, the pros and cons of it; preparation of the portfolio, GAT (General Ability Test) and spotting questions on DSA interview.

I will be re-posting some of these write ups again for easier browsing.

We are setting up this page for parents and students who are looking for some information on the topic. These are just accumulation of past experiences of our students that had gone through DSA and we complied their thoughts together. We are no expert on DSA. If you have any experience or thoughts to share with us, please feel free to leave a comment.

I have also complied some practices on logical patterning questions. For those who are interested in some practices on logical reasoning skill/general reasoning ability, you can fill in the form below. The service is meant for the genuine user who is preparing for DSA, you will need to fill up all the information and we will contact you.

We also conduct workshop for DSA interview skills. This workshop is either in a small group of 6 or individual one-to-one coaching. Our peak period for the workshop is from end May to early July. 

As more parents choose to DSA their children to their choice school/s, we do come across cases whereby they came to us too late and there were no more vacancies in the workshop for a group or timeslot for individual coaching.

Below is a compilation of a list of schools that offer Direct School Admissions.
It is complied based on the available resources that can be find online. 
Please feel free to email me at krtc.promotions@gmail.com if you find any of the information needs to be updated or any extra information that needs to be add on.
We welcome any constructive feedback so as to serve the parents and students that are planning for DSA.

For better viewing, you may want to download a copy of the DSA School List or simply click on icon at the lower right hand corner to view the full-size workbook.

DSA School List

Request For Link to Non-verbal Reasoning Test (GAT) Exercise, please fill up the form above.

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